


If you have been involved in infidelity, it is important to take some time to consider the impact of your actions on your partner, your relationship, and yourself. Here are some things you should not do after infidelity:

  • Do not try to justify your actions or minimize the harm you have caused. It is important to take responsibility for your actions and to understand that what you did was hurtful and wrong.
  • Do not try to cover up or hide the infidelity. It is important, to be honest, and transparent about what happened, even if it is difficult to do so.
  • Do not blame your partner or try to shift the blame onto them. Infidelity is a choice you made, and it is important to take responsibility for it.
  • Do not try to rush into repairing the relationship. It takes time to heal after infidelity, and allowing yourself and your partner the time and space to process and heal is important.
  • Do not repeat the behavior. It is important to reflect on the infidelity’s root causes and commit to change and work on your relationship.

If you are struggling with infidelity and are not sure how to move forward, it may be helpful to seek the guidance of a therapist or counselor who can help you work through your feelings and develop a plan for rebuilding trust in your relationship.