
emotional infidelity


Being cheated on can have significant emotional and psychological impacts that can last for a long time. What are the physical effects of being cheated on?

What are the physical effects of being cheated on?


Investigating The Physical Effects Of Betrayal

According to the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, up to 41% of marriages in America have been affected by infidelity at some point (American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, 2019). This statistic serves as an eye-opening reminder that cheating can have serious repercussions beyond just emotional destruction. In fact, physical effects associated with betrayal often manifest due to a complex interplay between psychological distress and physiological responses such as insomnia or even changes in appetite.

Studies suggest that when people are betrayed it triggers a stress response which leads to increased cortisol production leading to fatigue, headaches, and other bodily discomfort (Kelly & Conley, 1987). Furthermore, issues like muscle tension may arise from chronic worrying about one’s partner’s activities outside of the relationship resulting in further physical symptoms like gastrointestinal problems or general malaise (Canfield et al., 2019). What’s more, those who cheat themselves can also experience physical reactions stemming from guilt or shame experienced after being confronted either directly or indirectly by their partner. Such feelings generally lead to heightened anxiety levels thus making them feel on edge all throughout the day regardless of where they go or what type of situation they find themselves in.

It appears then that not only does cheating come with its own set of mental health concerns but physical ones too; betraying someone else has far-reaching consequences both externally and internally.

TIP: It is important then for couples facing this issue together to take time out from any conflict-related discussions so as to give each other space while still addressing underlying issues causing strife within their relationship in healthy ways preventing further damage to be done.


Some of the physical effects of being cheated on may include:


Physical effects of being cheated on

  1. Stress and anxiety:

    Physical symptoms like headaches, muscle tension, and fatigue are often a direct result of the mental and emotional strain brought on by cheating.

    How does cheating affect the brain?

    Both the one who cheats and the one who is cheated on might suffer serious mental health consequences as a result of their actions.

    The thrill of deceit may cause a surge of pleasure and excitement in the brain of the cheater. Dopamine, a chemical linked with reward and pleasure, is what sets off this wave of happiness. The subsequent feelings of guilt, humiliation, and regret, however, can trigger the brain’s stress response and cause the release of cortisol and other stress hormones, counteracting the original surge.

    Betrayal hurt, and astonishment is all possible mental responses for the cheated-on individual. As a result, hormones like oxytocin and endorphins—which are linked to emotional pain—may be released into the brain. Anxiety and depression can cause the body to release cortisol and other stress hormones in reaction to a perceived threat, which can lead to a downward spiral of negative emotions.

    Changes in the brain’s ability to absorb and control emotions may occur in both the cheater and the person cheated on, which may have long-term consequences for their ability to develop healthy relationships in the future. Additionally, the brain is a very adaptable and malleable organ. It’s crucial to get help processing the emotions that come along with the pain of infidelity, but people can learn to cope with it.

    The capacity to trust others and establish attachments is a critical part of maintaining good relationships, and being cheated on may negatively impact both. Being betrayed might make you doubt your own sanity and make it hard to trust others in the future.

    Individuals may need professional assistance in order to process and cope with their feelings, recover their ability to trust and develop healthy attachments and move on from the trauma of infidelity.

  2. Insomnia:

    The person who has been betrayed may have trouble sleeping because they can’t stop thinking about it.

  3. Loss of appetite:

    Intense emotional stress, such as that caused by discovering your partner has been cheating, has been linked to decreased appetite and subsequent weight loss.

  4. Heart problems: 

    Heart problems Being betrayed can cause stress and emotional distress, both of which can put a strain on the heart and increase the risk of heart problems.

  5. Reduction in immune function:

    Being under stress for an extended period of time can wear down the body’s defenses, leaving the individual more vulnerable to illness.

  6. Depression:

    Physical symptoms of depression include fatigue, changes in appetite and weight, and a lack of interest in daily activities, all of which can stem from the emotional pain of having been cheated on.

  7. Abuse of drugs and alcohol:

    Some people may use these substances to dull the emotional pain of being cheated on, which can lead to addiction and other health issues.

  8. Gastrointestinal problems: 

    Problems with the gastrointestinal tract Emotional stress can also have an effect on the digestive system, which can result in symptoms such as abdominal cramping, nausea, and diarrhea.

  9. Headaches:

    Migraines, tension headaches, and headaches are all types of headaches that can be caused by continual stress and anxiety.

  10. Problems with the skin:

    The stress response in the body can also manifest in the skin, causing illnesses such as eczema, psoriasis, or hives.

  11. Sexual dysfunction:

    The stress of being cheated on can lead to sexual dysfunction, such as a loss of libido or difficulties being sexually aroused. Sexual dysfunction can be caused by being cheated on.

  12. Chronic fatigue:

    Chronic tiredness can be caused by the emotional and physical stress that comes with being cheated on. This stress can make it difficult for a person to have undisturbed sleep, which in turn can cause chronic fatigue.

  13. Abuse of substances:

    Some people may turn to drinking or drugs as a means of coping with the emotional pain of having their partner cheat on them, which can lead to addiction as well as other physical health problems.


How does infidelity affect the family?

Infidelity is destructive to marriage in so many different ways that it threatens its very existence. In a marriage, it can bring feelings of sadness and devastation, feelings of loneliness and betrayal, as well as perplexity for one or both partners. Some marriages dissolve after an affair. Others make it through, growing both stronger and closer to one another. infidelity can affect each family member differently and the impact can vary depending on the individual’s coping mechanisms, support system, and overall mental and physical health. Both emotionally and practically, iNfidelity may have a devastating effect on the family unit. Infidelity can have a variety of negative effects on a family, including the following:

  1. Emotional distress:

    Exposure of an adulterous affair can result in psychological distress for all members of the family, including feelings of betrayal, anger, despair, and hurt.

  2. Problems with trust:

    Unfaithfulness can make it difficult for a person to trust others, both inside and outside of their family, and this can create problems within the family.

  3. Breakdowns in communication:

    Infidelity can lead to breakdowns in communication within the family, since members of the family may be unwilling to talk about the affair or may avoid one other altogether.

  4. Stress on your finances:

    Being unfaithful to your partner can put a burden on your finances, especially if it leads to the dissolution of your marriage or separation.

  5. Parenting Issues

    Problems with parenting can arise as a direct result of infidelity, particularly if the affair leads to the dissolution of the marriage or the separation of the parents. Children who are moved to a new home may have trouble adjusting to their new surroundings and may suffer from emotions of abandonment.

  6. Psychological strain:

    Infidelity can put a strain on everyone in the family’s mental health, and this is especially true if it leads to a divorce or separation as a consequence of the affair. It’s not uncommon for members of a family to battle things like anxiety and sadness.

  7. Legal complications:

    Infidelity can result in legal complications, particularly if it leads to the dissolution of the marriage or separation. There is a possibility that members of the family will have to negotiate contentious matters like child custody, the distribution of assets, and alimony.

  8. Isolation from one’s peers:

    Infidelity can result in members of a couple’s family withdrawing from social activities out of embarrassment or reluctance to interact with others in public.


What infidelity does to a person?
How does infidelity affect a woman?
How does infidelity affect the brain?

Read also: What does Betrayal do to a person? – effect of iNfidelity



13 long-term effects of iNfidelity -Overcome iNfidelity- Healing- Adultery Affair Recovery
13 long-term effects of iNfidelity -Overcome iNfidelity- Healing- Adultery Affair Recovery

Read also: What are the Triggers following betrayal

Women in particular have been found to dwell on the affair, according to studies. That is, they tend to dwell on what went wrong and why it happened over and over again. A relationship is less likely to be saved when one partner dwells excessively on what went wrong.

It is important to remember that everyone reacts differently to being cheated on, and the long-term effects will vary from person to person. If you are struggling with the aftermath of infidelity, it may be helpful to seek the support of a therapist or iNfidelity Counselor who can help you work through your emotions and find healthy ways to cope. One’s emotional and physical health can take a serious hit when one discovers their partner has been unfaithful, so it’s crucial to get help if you feel you need it after experiencing infidelity.




Any physical or emotional intimacy without a partner’s consent is termed cheating. Cheating includes physical or emotional affairs, internet infidelity, lying and hiding, using dating apps, and sexting.

What is considered cheating in a relationship – TYPES of Cheating

Type of iNfidelity

  1. Physical iNfidelity:

    iNfidelity can take several forms, the most prevalent of which is physical infidelity, which is defined as the act of one partner participating in sexual behavior with another person while they are married to another person. Infidelity of this type occurs when one partner participates in sexual behavior with another individual. This includes any type of physical contact, such as a kiss, a touch, or anything else that is considered to be more intimate.

    Sexual iNfidelity as type of cheating :

    iNfidelity in sexual relations occurs when a person has sexual relations or intercourse outside of their marriage while feeling no strong emotional tie to their sexual partner. Adultery is another term for sexual iNfidelity. Some examples include having a one-night stand or using the services of a prostitute. The majority of individuals subscribe to the idea that monogamy or sexual exclusivity is the best way to maintain a healthy sexual life, which is why marriage is considered such an important institution. The trust that is necessary in order to be vulnerable with one’s partner can only be achieved through monogamy.

  2. Emotional iNfidelity as type of cheating:

    Emotional iNfidelity is a form of cheating that takes place when one partner develops a profound emotional connection with another person who is not their spouse. This can entail disclosing private thoughts and emotions to another person, developing a close relationship with another person, or even falling in love with another person. One form of emotional infidelity is when a person deceives themselves with their ideas and feelings. This kind of cheating could include having intimate conversations or simply just flirting with another person. A spouse is said to be engaging in mental infidelity when they fantasies or think about other individuals when they are not emotionally or physically involved with those other persons. Psychological infidelity is when one partner becomes emotionally invested in another person by exchanging personal thoughts, feelings, and secrets with that other person, even while there is no physical or sexual contact between the two people. One might spend a significant amount of time with the non-partner chatting about intimate matters or sharing inside jokes with them. Having an emotional affair with someone other than your spouse or partner can be distracting to your relationship since it causes you to share problems, issues, life plans, and ambitions with that person. Your bond will become even stronger if you go through the highs and lows of life together with your lover.

  3. Financial iNfidelity as type of cheating:

    iNfidelity on the financial front happens when one partner is dishonest about their own financial condition, for as by concealing money or debt or by making hidden purchases with marital finances. This form of adultery is known as financial infidelity. Infidelity in the financial realm can take the form of either spending money or making decisions on one’s finances without alerting one’s partner. One example of this would be making a significant decision about money (such as a purchase or a loan) without first discussing it with your partner. When one partner acts in financial dishonesty toward the other, such as hiding money, spending money without the other partner’s knowledge, or lying about financial problems, this is referred to as “financial infidelity.”

  4. Cyber iNfidelity: What is cyber infidelity?

    The term “cyber infidelity” refers to a sort of adultery that takes place when one partner engages in sexual activity or makes emotional ties with other people through interactions that take place online. Communication that is intimate or romantic in nature that takes place with someone other than one’s partner through the use of a digital media such as social networking. Texting, chatting, and phone calls are just some of the ways that people can communicate with one another online. The term “cyber-infidelity” is used to describe the behavior of a partner who has sexual or romantic interactions with other people via social media, dating apps (such as Tinder and Bumble), or other online platforms. Sexting, messaging, chatting, and video chatting in a sexual setting with someone who you are not married to are all examples of cyber affairs. Participating in internet activities together, as a couple, can be beneficial for the relationship. Foreplay that involves sexting between partners is really enjoyable. It’s wonderful to be able to text a spouse throughout the day.

    Texting Or Sexting : Is texting cheating in a relationship?

    The following are some indications that your partner may be having an texting affair with their phone by sexting if :

    What is considered cheating in a relationship - TYPES of Cheating- is texting cheating
    What is considered cheating in a relationship – TYPES of Cheating- is texting cheating
    They are secretive about their phone:

    They may hide their phone from you or get defensive if you ask to see it because they are guarded about it. Your partner may hide their phone from you or get defensive if you ask to see it.

    They are never without their phone:

    If you notice that your partner is never without their phone, not even when the two of you are together, this may be a sign that they are texting another person.

    They have a new phone number:

    They have changed their phone number, but they aren’t telling you about it. If your partner has changed their phone number but they aren’t telling you about it, this could be an indication that they are trying to hide something from you.

    They are always looking at their phone:

    It’s possible that your partner is checking their phone frequently, even when they aren’t expecting a message to arrive at that time.

    They are always texting:

    If your partner never calls but always texts, this could be a sign that they are communicating with someone else. If they never call but always text, this could also be a sign that they are cheating.

    They have multiple numbers:

    They give you more than one phone number If your partner gives you more than one phone number and doesn’t tell you about any of them, this could be an indication that they’re in contact with more than one person.

    They never reveal who they are texting:

    If your partner never reveals who they are texting, this could be a sign that they are cheating on you.

    They are always texting a specific person:

    If they never text anyone else, this could be a sign that they are having an affair.

    They are always deleting texts:

    Is it cheating if they delete a text message? They are constantly deleting texts If you notice that your partner is constantly deleting texts, it may be a sign that they are attempting to conceal something from you.

    Digital iNfidelity:

    iNfidelity committed through the use of technology to engage in activity that is either inappropriate or potentially dangerous is referred to as digital infidelity. Sexting, sending explicit messages or photographs, and having virtual affairs through social media or dating apps are all examples of behaviors that fall under this category.

    Virtual iNidelity as type of cheating:

    iNfidelity committed because of an addiction to the internet occurs when one spouse becomes preoccupied with their own online activities to the point where they forget their commitment to the other person and the partnership as a whole. This form of adultery is known as “virtual infidelity,” and it occurs when one partner participates in online relationships, virtual affairs, or online sexual acts in a way that excludes or undermines the other partner.

    Internet iNfidelity:

    iNfidelity committed via the internet is referred to as “Internet iNfidelity,” and it occurs when one partner participates in online connections or activities that exclude or undermine the other.

    Social media iNfidelity:

    iNfidelity committed through the use of social media is referred to as “social media infidelity,” and it occurs when one partner cheats on the other through social media. Flirting, sending explicit text messages, or sharing personal information with another person online are all examples of this type of behavior.

  5. Workplace iNfidelity: What is iNfidelity in the workplace?

    workplace infidelity-27 types of Cheating What is considered cheating in a relationship - TYPES of Cheating
    workplace infidelity-27 types of Cheating What is considered cheating in a relationship – TYPES of Cheating

    iNfidelity in the workplace happens when one spouse establishes a romantic or sexual relationship with a coworker, supervisor, or other person associated with their place of employment. Infidelity in a professional setting occurs when one partner has a romantic or sexual relationship with a coworker, with a client or customer, or with a customer or client of the partner’s employer.

  6. Narcissistic iNfidelity:

    Narcissistic iNfidelity is a form of adultery that occurs when one spouse in a relationship suffers from narcissistic personality disorder and engages in extramarital affairs for the sole purpose of achieving personal fulfilment, without giving any thought to the emotions of their other partner. When one spouse cheats on the other in order to get a sense of power, control, or validation for themselves, they typically do it without regard for how their partner is feeling or how their partner is doing physically or mentally. The following are common types of cheating that people with narcissistic personalities are likely to engage in:

    Infidelity in a non-monogamous relationship:

    This type of infidelity refers to when a partner in a non-monogamous relationship engages in a relationship with someone outside the agreed-upon boundaries of the relationship, without the consent of the other partners in the relationship. In monogamous relationships, infidelity refers to when one partner cheats on the other partner with another person.

    Intentional iNfidelity as type of cheating:

    The term “intentional iNfidelity” refers to a form of adultery in which one partner intentionally and knowingly chooses to cheat on the other without feeling any sense of sorrow or regret for their decision.

    Recreational iNfidelity as type of cheating:

    iNfidelity committed for the purpose of recreation or for the pursuit of physical pleasure is referred to as recreational infidelity. This form of adultery occurs when one partner participates in sexual or romantic activity with another for these reasons rather than because of an emotional connection.

    Intellectual iNfidelity:

    iNfidelity of the intellectual variety occurs when one partner engages in intellectual conversations or activities with a third party to the exclusion of the other person in the relationship.

    Addiction iNfidelity:

    Addiction infidelity is a form of sexual infidelity that occurs when one partner develops an addiction to a substance or habit and places that addiction ahead of their commitment to the partnership. A few examples of this type of addiction are pornographic media consumption, compulsive gambling, and drug use.

    Covert iNfidelity:

    Infidelity of the non-monogamous variety occurs when one spouse secretly pursues a romantic relationship with another person outside of their monogamous partnership but does not tell the other person about it.
    Infidelity of the covert variety occurs when one spouse is involved in a hidden relationship, or when they are engaging in secretive or dishonest behavior, and they do not openly discuss their actions.

    Role-playing iNfidelity:

    Infidelity of the role-playing variety occurs when one partner participates in role-playing or other forms of fantasy activity with another individual, either in person or via the internet.

  7. Travel iNfidelity as type of cheating:

    Infidelity of the travel variety occurs when one partner participates in sexual or romantic interaction with another person while the other is away from home on work or for pleasure.

  8. Spiritual iNfidelity as type of cheating:

    Spiritual infidelity is a form of infidelity that occurs when one person engages in religious or spiritual practises or beliefs that are not held by or approved of by the other partner. This type of infidelity may be very damaging to a relationship.

  9. Accidental iNfidelity:

    This form of adultery is known as “accidental infidelity,” and it occurs when one partner unintentionally gets involved in an activity that leads to the other partner having an affair.

  10. Cultural iNfidelity:

    This form of infidelity is known as “cultural infidelity,” and it occurs when one partner participates in behaviors or practices that are not sanctioned or accepted by the culture or community of the other partner.

  11. Time iNfidelity:

    Time infidelity is a form of infidelity that occurs when one partner spends an excessive amount of time on activities or interests that either leave the other partner out of the activity or cause the other partner to feel inferior.

  12. Friendship iNfidelity:

    Friendship infidelity occurs when a partner creates a close emotional link with someone else, and the friendship begins to take precedence over the love relationship that they are in.

  13. iNfidelity in a polyamorous relationship:

    This type of iNfidelity refers to when a partner in a polyamorous relationship engages in a relationship with someone outside the agreed-upon boundaries of the relationship, without the consent of the other partners in the relationship. This type of infidelity is a form of cheating.

27 types of Cheating What is considered cheating in a relationship - TYPES of Cheating- is texting
27 types of Cheating What is considered cheating in a relationship – TYPES of Cheating- is texting

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For Signs of infidelity read more : Signs of iNfidelity in a Woman -Red Flags

Read also :  What is the difference between Adultery and iNfidelity ?

Before you confront your partner, you should be aware of the reasons why. Why do people cheat on their partners sexually? at Why Do People Cheat in Relationships? Marital therapist explains

Read this if you are certain that your partner is having texting affair on you and want to know how to handle the sexting affair partner: :  How To Deal With A Cheating Partner in Marriage


Infidelity in a romantic partnership can refer to a number of different behaviors, including anything that undermines either partner’s trust in the other. This could involve engaging in behaviors such as spending an excessive amount of time with another person, engaging in talks behind their partner’s back, or even flirting with other individuals. It is imperative that you have an open and honest communication with your spouse about what constitutes cheating. It is crucial to keep in mind that every relationship is unique, and because of this, it is imperative that you have this conversation. Discuss with your partner if you discover indicators of infidelity and to seriously consider getting help from a professional if the situation warrants it. It is essential to deal with the matter at hand and find a solution to it before it can snowball into a more serious issue.